
Ganwales Captain Churchill   "Henry"

***Henry steht geeigneten Hündinnen zum Decken zur Verfügung***

                                                                                           13 months

DOB 1.5.2004

HD- A, ED- 0/0, OCD-frei
PRA, HC, RD - frei
(Juli 2005)

11.6.2005 Begleithundeprüfung 1
 - mit "Sehr Gut" und 91 Punkten bestanden !
juni 2006 Wesenstest in Gablitz bestanden

Moorfield Morning Archibald
CH Ritzilyn Man About Town CH Paudell Easter Plantagenet at Kerrien
CH Ritzilyn Vivacity
Trewater Trouvaille CH Papeta Philosopher
CH Lovehayne Elisha of Trewater
Trewater Polly SHCH Lindjan Xylonite JW Gatchells Boy from Bangkok
Lindjan Quality Street
Ritzilyn Bucks Fizz at Trewater SHCH Perrimay Hugo of Fenwood
SHCH Ritzilyn Stage Door Jenny


26.9.2004 3.NÖ-Trophy Schloss Laxenburg - Vielversprechend (Puppy)
                  Richter: Maurice Shortman ("Bridgefarm)                                  

"...a really nice balanced dog, lovely head and expression, good neck and well angulated shoulder, good rear angulation, should have a very bright future, moved well for this age, very promising."

(Henry bei seiner ersten Ausstellung mit seinem Besitzer Robert Zitta)

März 2005 - IHA Graz   --- Excellent (Jugendklasse)

4.6.2005 EURODOG - Tulln ---Excellent (Jugendklasse)

typical & masculin., expressive head, he ist not in his best moment for coat, balanced angulations, good ribs, corr. topline & croup, exc. bone, free mover!
Richter: Rafael Malo Alcrudo, 04.06.2005, Vorzüglich




NÖ Retrievertrophy Laxenburg, 02.10.2005 - Jugendklasse

Richter: Pauline Armstrong (GB)


Excellent, nicely balanced boy of good proportions, good skull, dark pigment, good reach of neck, well angulated front, level topline, good spring of rib, well angulated quarters of good width, well steady mover!




                                          (17 Monate)                         Okt. 2005
Besitzer/owner: Ingrid Nowotny & Robert Zitta, Wien

Deckanfragen richten sie bitte direkt an michaela@ganwales.at oder
an Ingrid Novotny & Robert Zittra

web: http://www.goldies.nit.at/